Sermons to the Papal Household
“BLESSED IS SHE WHO BELIEVED!” - Second Advent Sermon 2023
- Friday December 22nd, 2023
After the Forerunner John the Baptist, today we let the Mother of Jesus take us by her hand to “enter” the mystery of Christmas. In the Gospel of last Sunday, the Fourth of Advent, we heard the story of the Annunciation. It reminds us of how Mary conceived and gave birth to Christ – and[...]
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"VOICE OF ONE THAT CRIES IN THE DESERT" John the Baptist, the moralist and the prophet - First Advent Sermon 2023
- Friday December 15th, 2023
There is a progression in the Advent liturgy. In the first week, the prominent figure is the prophet Isaiah, the one who announces the coming of the Savior from afar; on the second and third Sunday, the guide is John the Baptist, the precursor; in the fourth week, all attention is concentrated on Mary. Having[...]
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- Saturday April 1st, 2023
“In the world, you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn 16:33). Holy Father, Venerable Fathers, brothers and sisters, these are among the last words that Jesus addresses to his disciples before taking leave of them. They are not the usual “Take courage!,” addressed to those who stay, by one[...]
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“MYSTERIUM FIDEI!” On the Liturgy - Forth Lenten Sermon 2023
- Friday March 24th, 2023
After reflecting on evangelization and theology, today I would like to propose some considerations on the liturgy and the worship of the Church, always with the intention of making a contribution, however modest and indirect, to the work of the synod. The liturgy is the point of arrival, what evangelization tends toward. In the Gospel[...]
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“ GOD IS LOVE!” - Third Lenten Sermon 2023
- Friday March 17th, 2023
We need Theology! For your consolation and mine, Holy Father, Venerable Fathers, brothers and sisters, this meditation will be entirely and exclusively centered on God. The discourse on God, that is, theology, cannot not remain extraneous to the reality of the Synod, just as it can’t remain extraneous to any other moment of the life[...]
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